Leslie Ann Jones

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For the Times You Don't Feel Like Going to Church

Can I be honest with you for a few minutes? A few Sundays ago, I didn't want to go to church. We had a full weekend with out-of-town company and a bout with a stomach bug. I stayed home on Sunday morning with the sick one and planned to trade off with Dennis for the evening service. 

But when 5 o'clock rolled around, the last thing I wanted to do was get ready to go. I told myself I didn't have enough time to shower. I dragged around the house. I plopped down in my chair with a book and a big cup of Coke Zero. But finally, I got still enough to listen to the tiny little voice in my head telling me to get off my tail and go.

The truth is that we won't always feel like going to church. We'll make excuses. We'll drag our feet. We'll pretend that we're too busy. But practicing faithfulness has to be something that we do, regardless of how we're feeling in the moment, because we all know that feelings are fickle. They can turn on a dime, and they can't always be trusted.

God, on the other hand, is the opposite of fickle. He's faithful. And I show my gratitude for his faithfulness by trying to mirror it in my own life. Sometimes that means ignoring how I feel and doing what I ought simply because it's right.

When I got to church that night, we sang one of my favorite hymns, and I was reminded anew why we Christians do what we do. We go to church week in and week out because we desperately need a touch from God. We give, we serve, and we love all because of what Christ has done for us. For no other reason. Because he has given me life, I'll serve him with mine. 

I'm including the lyrics to that old chorus in this post because I think sometimes we all need to be reminded of why Jesus did what he did. When we forget that, we lose sight of everything that really matters. I hope these words encourage you as much as they do me. May we never stop longing for the touch of our Savior.

Until next time, grace and peace.

I Will Serve Thee

I will serve Thee because I love Thee;
You have given life to me.
I was nothing before you found me.
You have given life to me.

Broken pieces,
Ruined lives
Are why you died on Calv'ry.
Your touch is what I longed for;
You have given life to me.

—William & Gloria Gaither, 1969