
It's a Winter Wonderland Around Here!

They've been predicting a blizzard around these parts for the past several days. Dennis and I scoffed a little bit at the forecasts, because if there's one thing you learn growing up in the South, it's never to count on the promises of snow.

But this time, much to the delight of schoolkids everywhere, they were right.

The snow began falling late last night and continued on for several hours.

We awoke this morning to eight inches of snow blanketing our little house, and after we got some breakfast in our bellies, we headed straight outside to play for a bit.


Micah wasn't so sure about the snow at first, and even after she got used to the fluffy white stuff, the snow was far too deep for her to walk around and play. But that didn't stop her from having a good time.

After her mittens were soaked through and her little cheeks glowed bright red, we decided it was time to head inside to warm up. Micah wasn't so fond of going inside, and she let us know exactly how she felt.

I hope all of you in the South are enjoying the treat of a Snow Day. Stay warm, and enjoy the white stuff!

Until next time, grace and peace.

Oh, my Aching Bones

New running shoes

(image credit here).

Operation Disciplined and Intentional is in full swing, and I just need to tell you that my body is in protest. Seriously. Apparently, it forgot what it feels like to be exercised.

I, apparently, forgot how uncoordinated I am. Yesterday morning, I woke with full intentions of starting the day with my Pilates DVD. I lasted about two minutes before I remembered why I stopped using the video in the first place: I'm terrible at getting all my parts moving in the right direction at the right time. I spent most of the two minutes craning my neck up at the TV from the floor wondering how on earth I was going to get my body to do that.

So I quit.

I picked up my hand weights and did some arm and ab exercises, then I did crunches and called it a morning.

Better than nothing, right?

Those 250 crunches did a number on my belly. It's been screaming at me ever since.

After Micah woke up and ate breakfast, we packed up and headed to town to pick up a few essential items, including a new workout DVD. I tried it this morning, and although it was difficult, it's at least doable for me.

Last night when Dennis got home, I laced up my running shoes and hit the road. I'm following a simple 5K running plan, and I'm hoping that this time it sticks. I haven't run in over two years. My last semester at Beeson, back in 2008, is the last time I remember running. Then I got pregnant, had a baby, and couldn't figure out when running was supposed to happen anymore.

After the failure of yesterday morning, I thought there was no hope for the running adventure, but then I surprised myself by completing all 10 minutes of running without too much trouble. It felt good to run again.

Have I mentioned that I'm out of shape??

The plan is to work out each morning at home, either with my weights or with a DVD. When Dennis gets home in the evenings, I'm headed out the door for 30 minutes of running/walking. My goal is to do the videos 5 days a week and run 4-5 days a week. At the end of 10 weeks, I should be able to run for 30 minutes without stopping, which will put me on track for running a 5K sometime in the spring. I've just got to find one.

So that's my workout plan. What about you? How are you working out these days?

Until next time, grace and peace.

I am Resolved: Disciplined & Intentional Edition


I don't generally make New Year's resolutions. I usually have a vague sense of a goal or two that I would like to accomplish during the year, but this year is different. I've been living a bit haphazardly lately, letting schedules slide and allowing situations dictate my days. Last week, I read a post about resolutions on Bloom that helped me clarify a theme for 2011. In the post, Danielle chose one word to define the upcoming year. Her word was gumption. As I mulled over all the different goals I have for this year, two words came to mind: disciplined and intentional.

Since I graduated from seminary and became a working from home staying at home mommy, I've lost a lot of the discipline that defined my life when I had four papers and three books to read each week. That lack of discipline has filtered into all sorts of areas of my life, and I'm ready to reclaim it. That explains why I chose disciplined as one of my theme words.

My reasons for choosing intentional are a bit different. Being a mother has forced me to question why I do the things I do. I want to raise a daughter who is thoughtful and mindful, which has forced me to become more thoughtful and mindful about how we do life in this household. I want to be intentional about the things we watch, the books we read, and the traditions we practice. I'm not interested in living haphazardly any longer, but I am interested in intentionally cultivating a sense of wonder and faith in my baby girl. That process starts with me.

Those words are my themes, and I've got lots of ways I'd like to see the words define this year. My list of goals runs from losing 25 pounds to paying off student loans to rising each morning with Dennis. I want to read the Bible using M’Cheyne's Bible Reading Plan and start a bit of Bible-reading with Micah. I plan to post more frequently, run a 5K, and sign up for more writing projects. I also want to read more books (which should be easy since this year I only finished one) and live more generously. Being disciplined and intentional will help me accomplish all of these things.

I am resolved to be a disciplined and intentional woman this year.

What have you resolved?

Until next time, grace and peace.