
Heather's Umbrella Baby Shower

A couple of weekends ago, I had the privilege of hosting a baby shower for one of my sweet friends. Of course, I had to design the invitations and details for the shower, and I really enjoyed creating a special event for Heather. I love the simplicity of this umbrella baby shower invitation, and I'm quite taken by the swiss dots pattern. I stuck with a blue and white color palette, and I think everything was lovely, but then again, I'm biased.

Everything was sweet, simple, and lots of fun. Those white daisies are still kicking on my kitchen counter - they were totally worth the cost. For the decorations, I was inspired by the paper mobile tutorial I shared with you several weeks ago. Instead of strips, I used circles in various sizes to match the invitations, and the sewing machine handled the rest.

It was a lot of fun to plan an event for a special friend. I spend most of my days creating pretty paper for other people, so it was nice to be the one in charge for a change. Of course, the invitations are listed in the Senojal Designs etsy shop. The great thing about this suite is that it may be customized to fit any color scheme, and it's perfect for gender neutral showers. The invitations can even be used for a bridal shower. So really, the options are endless :)

Next big event to plan? Micah's second birthday party. It's only six months away, you know :) Just kidding. I won't be planning that for a while. I'm not that crazy!

Until next time, grace and peace.

A Tiny Little Ponytail


Seriously. Is there anything cuter than this little ponytail? Wednesday was the first day I pulled Micah's hair back, and I admit, I'm smitten with those blonde curls on the back of her head. So precious! We played outside for a long time before I had to go to church. She "helped" Dennis change the oil, and I even managed to snag a picture of the two of us together. That rarely happens, you know, but I'm trying to do better about it.

I read a post on Under the Sycamore last week about "getting in the shot" that inspired me to make it work. I'm always a little too sheepish to ask other people to take my picture, and I'm also a little protective of my camera. But as I've looked back through pictures from the past year and a half, there are only a tiny handful of shots with both me and Micah in them. That should change. I'm committed to taking at least one picture a month with her. That may not sound like much, but it's infinitely better than what we're doing now. Perhaps it will be a small exercise in helping me be more disciplined and intentional.

How do you get in pictures with your kids? Are you always behind the camera, or do you ever make it in front of the lens? Let me know your tips and tricks!

Until next time, grace and peace.

I'm Back...Didn't You Miss Me??

04_06_11 Life Lately

Hello, sweet friends. Have the past few weeks been as busy for you as they have for me? I had a little break in between my writing deadlines, and I thought that life would be easy breezy for a couple of weeks, but alas, I was wrong.

It's been crazy.

I will update you on all of the craziness in due time, but today, I just wanted to pop in and let you know that we're all still alive. Oh, and tease you with a preview of the things to come :)

Hope you're all doing well out there!

04_06_11 Life Lately2

Until next time, grace and peace.