
The New Normal

It's hard to know what to say now that I've finally decided to take the plunge and resurrect this blog. I really didn't mean to drop off the face of the planet in February. It just sort of happened. And then, the longer I said nothing, the harder it became to pick up where I left off. And now, it's November and crickets have been chirping here for eight months! Sorry bout that, y'all.

I'll try not to let it happen again, but I'm offering no guarantees.

Instead, I'll try to hit the highlights of the past eight months of my life. Then we'll get on to business as usual.


I had a baby. Isn't she sweet? Last time I wrote, I was still reeling from the unexpected news that I was pregnant. Now I have a 4-month-old little girl that I can't imagine life without. Kendall arrived a couple of weeks early (unlike her sister, who debuted a week late), and I did it au naturale. Maybe someday I'll tell you about it.


I renamed and rebranded my stationery business. Goodbye Senojal Designs. Hello Felicity Paper. The change was a long time coming, and I couldn't be happier with the result. I wanted a name that (a) people could actually pronounce and (b) reflected my business goals. I'll tell you more about that later.


Micah turned three. This picture is from her "fancy schmancy" third birthday party, which was heavily inspired by Fancy Nancy books. It's hard to believe that my baby is now a big girl who constantly tells me what she's going to do when she grows up. Slow down, sister! Please. Your mama needs you to.


I survived. That may not seem like a big deal to some of you, but it's gargantuan to me. There are some women who flourish and glow their way through the newborn stages. I'm not one of them. It's hard for me. It was especially hard to figure out how to parent my toddler with a baby that demanded my attention. We had a lot of moments like the one pictured above, and unlike the picture, I wasn't always smiling. But we're getting there. As Kendall gets older, life gets easier, and I'm finally able to come up for air. In case you were wondering, it's nice to breathe again.

I promise to be back sooner rather than later this time. It's my goal to write once a week. If I can master that, we'll shoot for twice a week.

Until next time, grace and peace.

Adventures in Toddlerhood: (almost) Two and a Half


"What're you doooooooin, Mama?"

"I'm cooking supper, what are you doing, Micah?"

Two seconds pass.

"What're you doooooooin, Mama?"

"Still cooking supper. What about you?"

Three seconds pass.

"What're you doooooooin, Mama?"

A couple of weeks ago, Micah and I had that conversation 500 times a day. Literally. If I sat down, she asked. If I stood up, she asked. If I put my shoes on, she asked. If I brushed my hair, she asked. If I picked up a book, she asked.

The questioning was constant and drove me up the wall.


Now she's moved on. She only asks me two or three times a day, but we've taken up another conversation in its stead.

"Somebody's hidin' in my woom, Mama."

"Who's in your room, baby?"

"A mon-ter's in my woom."

"There's not a monster in your room, Micah."

Pauses for two seconds.

"Somebody's hidin' in my woom, Mama."

This conversation ensues every. single. time I ask Micah to take something to her room. The first time we had it, it made me grin. The 689th time we had it, I wanted to bang my head against the wall.


In case you can't tell, her conversational skills are growing, even if she sounds like a broken record at times. She's at such a fun age. Every time I turn around, it seems she's learning something new. My jaw dropped the first time she pointed at a stop sign and told me that it was an ot-ta-gon, but really, I shouldn't have been surprised. I've been pointing at the octagon in her Elmo lift-the-flap book for months.

If you ask her name, she'll answer Micah Joooones. We started working on my and Dennis' names too, just in case someone asks her who her parents are. I didn't have much hope in teaching her my name, but she's getting there. If you ask her my name, she'll say Essie Ann Joooones. Poor Dennis is left out. She knows his name but refuses to say it most of the time. To her, he's Daddy Joooones.


She loves to eat and has an appetite like her mama. There's not much that she turns down, and it's funny to me that if there's broccoli on her plate, she'll eat it before anything else. She also loves Mexican food. Girl after my own heart. And breakfast. Also one of my favorites. Sometimes she eats more than I do, which is saying something. The girl can pack it away.

She's fascinated with the idea of being a big sister, and she insists that the new baby is a girl. Poor thing will be disappointed if Peanut turns out to be a boy. She likes to lift my shirt and look at my belly, and every now and then, she'll talk to the baby. Melts my heart.


She's pretty stingy about giving out kisses, but if I pretend I don't want one, she'll grab my face between her little hands and cover it in kisses.

I don't want to forget her at this age. I'll take the toddler stage over the baby stage any day. That's not to say that toddlerhood is without challenges. Last night we had a major meltdown over brushing her teeth. And she's obsessed with things matching. If it doesn't match, chaos will ensue. If she's eating an orange and the wedges fall apart before she pulls them apart, she throws a fit, but I can handle all that. The good far outweighs the bad.

I love this little girl. Can't imagine life without her.

Until next time, grace and peace.



(print available from Red Letter Words)

Surprise, surprise. It's me again. Look out world, I've posted two days in a row :)

I've been thinking a lot about yesterday's post, and I realize that it could have come across as a bit, well, depressing.

Rest assured that Peanut (our temporary name for bambino numero dos) is not unwanted. To the contrary, we have talked about Peanut since before Micah was born. Peanut is most definitely wanted and loved. That said, Peanut's emergence into our lives is unexpected and unplanned at the moment.

And in case you were wondering, unplanned pregnancy is hard. Period. Yes, this child is a blessing, and I am thankful that we have the means to care for and nurture Peanut. I am overwhelmed by the idea that God has entrusted yet another human being to our care, and yet, now that I've had a few months to get used to the idea, our lives would somehow be incomplete without this baby. This unplanned, unexpected baby is most certainly loved and wanted.

And so, life goes on. I am adjusting to the idea that Micah will be a big sister soon - even if I have absolutely no idea where Peanut is going to sleep. We've got some time to figure all that out.

I'm also learning that there's some wisdom in adding "God willing," to all your future plans. God willing, Peanut will arrive into this world a happy and healthy child. God willing, Micah will be the best big sister there ever was. And God willing, Dennis and I will be the kind of parents that God created us to be.

Until next time (God willing), grace and peace.