Adventures in Babyland

I have been meaning to sit down and write all week long, but every time I logged in to begin writing, something else popped up, and I was unable to get my thoughts down in written form. Ah well, such is the life of a modern homemaker. Speaking of which, my friend Annie over at Sister Wisdom is running a series of posts on Modern Homemaking over the next few weeks, and I was happy to contribute a post for the series. Look for my entry on Monday. It was nice to spend a few minutes reflecting on this crazy life that we live, and I very much enjoyed writing the post.

In other news, Micah has gotten very adventurous lately. It's as if someone wound up the key stuck in her back, and she came to life. Her voice box has been turned over, and she babbles incessantly. She's in full-on creeping/crawling mode, and she's started pulling up to her knees. She's mastered the art of sitting back up after she's been rolling around on the floor, and she picks up finger food all by herself.

She's a cute little booger, and she doesn't stay still long enough for the camera to focus on her sweet face most of the time, but I managed to capture a few good ones for her monthly date with the sock monkey.


She's cute, but she's stubborn like her mama and daddy. And a picky eater. Like her mama used to be. Like her daddy still is.

Starting solid food with her has not been the most fun thing in the world. I've given up on baby food and have started giving her table food. At 8 and a half months, the child eats bananas, bread, grits, mashed potatoes, applesauce, and puffs. She despises apple juice, but she'll sip water. She occasionally tolerates peas, but they're not her favorite. She refuses to eat any form of vegetables. When she decides she doesn't like something I've given her, she refuses to close her mouth and swallow the food. She doesn't spit it out, she just sits there with her mouth hanging open until enough saliva drips out of her mouth to carry the food with it. It's just as disgusting as it sounds. But kind of funny at the same time.

She's a trip, that's for sure.

She's changed so much in the past few weeks, it's unreal. We're hitting some major milestones, and I'm watching my baby become a little toddler, which is exciting and scary at the same time.

Look out, world. Micah's on the move, and she's coming to get you!

Until next time, grace and peace.

Baby Dedication

Two days ago, Dennis and I stood in front of our church and "committed ourselves to the Christian nurture" of our daughter. It was a precious moment, celebrated with family and friends. Micah won't remember the day. She won't remember the prayer. She won't remember the way she wriggled in my arms and tried to eat her shoes. But we will remember.

I've always been amazed that God would give me a job so important...that he would entrust me with the task of raising one of his sweet little children. I try to be a good mother not just because I love my daughter. Not just because I'm a perfectionist. But because for some crazy reason, God gave me this task. I want to do well because I want God to be pleased with the job I've done.

Micah is a sweet little girl. We rarely have days when I want to call a do-over. She's got an infectious grin and a laugh that bubbles out of her. Every day, she shows me a new facet of her personality, and I'm quite surprised that so much life can fit into such a tiny package. She's a sweet and precious gift from God. She's cute as a button too; that doesn't hurt.


It is my prayer that she will grow into a beautiful young woman who loves the Lord and chases after him with abandon. I know that I can't shelter her from pain, but I pray that the hard times she faces will help her appreciate the good even more. I pray that God will transform us into the kind of parents that he created us to be. That he will grant us patience, and kindness, and grace and mercy as we raise his baby girl. I pray that God will help her forgive us when we make mistakes, that he will cultivate a gentle spirit, a contrite heart and a sweet disposition in her. I thank God for Micah every time she falls asleep in my arms. I pray that she will make her heavenly father proud. I pray that she will love him. I pray that she knows how much we love her, how much we care for her, how often we pray for her. I pray that God gets ahold of her in the same way he got ahold of me - in a way that will leave her forever changed - for the better.

These are the things I pray.

Some of them, anyway.

Will you pray with me?

The thing I love about baby dedications is that I get to pray for a tiny little person and his parents. That I get to call that child by name and ask God to protect and nurture, to guide and bless him. It's a privilege that I love to be a part of.

I love it, because I feel like we're really being the church when we commit to help raise a child. Will you be the church for us and pray for our family as we raise this precious little girl?

Until next time, grace and peace.

Can I Have a Do-Over?

I call a do-over. Today has been a bear of a day, and it's only 1:45 in the afternoon. It started out way too early, but that's only because I stayed up way too late doing random things that I should have done when normal people are awake, but since Micah's awake when normal people are awake, I have a hard time completing all the tasks that I think I ought to do. Like balance the checkbook.

And pay the mortgage.

And wash dishes.

And put away the four dozen pairs of shoes that have collected in the den.

Stuff like that.

So anyway, I crawled into bed at 1:48 a.m., Dennis rolled out of bed to go to work sometime around 5 a.m., and Micah woke me up at 7:36 a.m.

I'm not exactly sure how long she'd been awake. She was cooing and talking to herself, and since I had been dreaming about my sweet daughter talking to me, I'm pretty sure that she had been awake for quite some time.

I pried one eyelid open to look at the clock.

Then I did what all good mothers do.

I rolled over and pretended that I didn't hear her.

Don't act shocked.

You know you do it too.

But then she became more vocal, so I dragged myself out of bed and tried not to fall asleep while I fed her.

Then I counted down the minutes until it was time for her morning nap.

Because then I could go back to sleep.

In case you haven't noticed, Sleep and I are good friends. I like to hang out with Sleep for an obscene amount of time. When I don't see enough of Sleep, I make life miserable for everyone around me. Trust me, you want me to spend time with Sleep.

So when the hands on the clock inched past 9 a.m., I decided it was time for Micah to close her eyes, because that's what I wanted to do.

She had a different idea about that.

Apparently, she decided that she didn't need her customary two-hour-long morning nap.

Today, about 30 minutes was enough.

Thirty minutes.

Let that sink in.

Do you know how difficult it is to get a good nap in 30 minutes?

Do you know how impossible it is to take a nap and get something else accomplished during that time?

Eventually I gave in and rescued Micah from her cage crib.

A couple of hours later, and she finally gave it up. I hope she stays asleep for a good long time.

Doesn't she know that I have about 153 things to do today?

Now I can actually start working on getting some of them done. Like writing on here. Only 152 left.

Until next time, grace and peace.